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Let's get one thing straight that's constantly abused in lies by the Republican thugs... Matt Gaetz 🌈 FL just did it again.... THE VOTERS DID NOT ELECT DONALD TRUMP to be President! This fact is not debatable. It was ONLY the Electoral College that that "elected" Trump... just a handful of paid partisans who apparently didn't understand the antiquated reasons for their very existence. The EC voted AGAINST the clearly-expressed wishes of the American People, who voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton. That fact will never change, no matter how often the GOP twists history and claims otherwise. The People, the US and the Planet would be in a far better position today had the EC paid attention to the 66-million voters who voted for Clinton (vs 63-million for trump). Those voters saw the huge fraud being committed by Mr Trump in 2016 over how smart and selfless he was and how he'd help the people. It will be a wasted 4-years that will take the US and World people many years to undo to restore balance. And this was a man who could only have been described as "non-religious" in past years, but suddenly embraced Evangelical Christianity to garner a huge and not very intelligent voting block to help his political ambitions. Laughing about it all, Trump will someday admit, as he did this week about his taxes, "It was sport." So, what do you think?

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mtnhome 7 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree


As Trupm lost the pupular bots by over 3 million, no the people did not elect him.

I am actually encouraged by the idea tht in 2020, assuming Trump wins the primaries, msot iindependants who voted for him won't do so again. It is one thign to give Trump the benefit of doubt in 2016 when yo deont' know better, but another to vote for him despite knowing for sure just how bad he really is.



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