Oh boy oh boy! My daughter is daring social media haters by posting her pix toppless on ig.. ..she just likes trolling
cultural controllers .. i with all mu gutsy guts haven't done that .. as much as i get worried for her, i wish to tell her not to do it as it scares me to death if one of the religious idiots try to bury her but how can i teach her to stand up for the values she believes in with courage and fight for equality and freedom them tell her to stop cz it scares me...I can't be hypocrite... i guess I'm gonna live with this fear till life gets better or wer die :/
Someone once told me that once your daughter is an adult you should treat as if she was a young coworker... stop being judgmental. One time my daughter told me about how she handled a situation and I just listened. Then she asks “Mom, you’re not mad?” I responded, “I love you, that won’t change. Plus you’re a grown-ass woman it’s on you now.
I really feel it was the best advice ever!
I mean do you really love her less? No , so who gives a shit!!!
How old is your daughter? Doesn't she realize topless pictures posted on the internet never disappear?
Prospective employers check candidates on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
My father was a professional jazz trumpet player in Detroit from age 14- he lied about his age to get into the Musician's Union- until he died of cancer at 51. Over 300 fans attended his funeral.
Dad couldn't support himself or a family by just playing music.
With a bachelor degree from MIT, Dad became a fire protection engineer. He joined his father's insurance agency. The business boomed. For example, they insured Detroit Metropolitan Airport for fire.
Glad my daughters aren’t scaring me like that… think I taught them to ‘fight from the inside,’ meaning, keep your head down (body covered), earn money then support righteous causes. Atheism will definitely be one ~