Ring a bell, RPS?
The only things I need to know from your past is what you need and want from me that's going to help you grow and make you happy.
Help me to help you, so that we can grow happy and strong individually and together. Because I can't change your past and neither can you. We can change the future and make it better.
Thank you for making my life the happiest. I will cherish you for lifetimes to come.
I Love You❤
Congratulations you two!
@MichelleGar1 Así como tu amas a tu querido, yo también amo a este hombre, Marcel. Que emoción tan bella es amar a otro humano, verdad? El amor siempre ganará. ❤
@SleeplessInTexas Si es verdad! Es un emocion muy bueno! Soy feliz para usted! Much amor por usted Amiga!