I see these Memes such as: "if you don't have a Vagina you can't regulate them"
I was thinking is this logic sound?
Should only Oil Companies make drilling regulations?
What about pharmaceuticals? If you don't make them you can't regulate it?
Food if you're not growing it you don't have a say in how its done?
Your analogies don't correspond with the meme. Corresponding analogies would be a specific group of people regulating the rights of a different group of people. Corporation rights are not the same as human rights.
However, there is in fact a flaw with this memes statement. If we were to use the same logic for regulating all laws, then wouldn't all of them be considered "wrong" since minors aren't allowed to have a say in regulating laws that applies to them?
I think saying only versus if you're not you can't are essentially the same thing. But yes that is the flaw.
Thank you for understanding I'm not attacking women's body autonomy but the flawed logic.
@Biosteelman Ahh yeah. I guess I got too caught up with the difference between the topic and your analogies to fully understand your point.
@Caitycat I thought you did pretty good . Better than most
The memes don't say "if you make a vagina..." It's not who is making the thing it's who has a stake in using the thing. If you have a vagina, realistically you are the only one who has a stake in how it should be used to insure that no harm comes to you or your loved ones. Similarly if you live next to an oil drilling site you have a stake in making sure that it doesn't harm you or your family, therefore you should regulate that drilling site.
Critical thinking is a good thing when you know how to use it.
Yes ,critical thinking is a good thing. By your arguement a man who raped a girl should have a stake in her body choices because he might have a stake in it.
Let me simplify the argument for you. You can't regulate an oil drilling company unless you are an oil drilling company. It's the exact same thing. It's not logical to say that we know inherently bias would exist. The concept of the logic is inherently flawed.
@Biosteelman The man who raped a girl has no stake in anything. He lost that right as soon as he committed a crime. An oil company can be regulated by those who care about what happens to the environment in the area it wants to drill. That's how society works. You get to make rules to govern how things affect you.
If a man raped a woman he does have a stake. However that was the extreme example even a man who consensually had sex and created fetus has a stake. No say but a stake.
oil companies aren't regulated by other oil companies because an assumed bias exists.
@Biosteelman a man who raped a woman also has a bias and therefore by your own logic cannot regulate her vagina.
@Nukdookum Everyone has a bias to a degree especially stake holders.
No you are regulating women's body without consulting them
I'm not regulating anybody.
Should the group being regulated be involved in any regulation process. Sure that's why advisory boards exist. That isn't what the memes are saying though. If the meme said you can't regulate a vagina unless you have vagina representation in an advisory board. I'd wouldn't say the logic is flawed.