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I've narrowed it down to three possibilities.

Online Dating: The Reality -- I've got limited experience with finding dates online but I've had a few, all bad but they still count as experience.

Human Sexuality: Everything About It -- I'm human, I like sex, I've had sex,, this could be a good one for me.

Game of Thrones Fan Club -- I know nothing about GoT, I've never seen GoT, I can contribute nothing at all to a discussion of GoT..So why is it here? Just to see how many people would choose the objectively wrong option.

Vote below. Poll closes in 24 hours. Majority rules.

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Sgt_Spanky 8 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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It's a tie between Online Dating and Human Sexuality so in the event of a tie, I'll choose which one I'll go with so the new group for me is Human Sexuality.

How lucky they must feel.

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