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Hi all I'm new here 52 years old and yes I'm a widow this last week hasn't been easy for me last Wednesday would have been Norm and mine 26th wedding anniversary we were married 21 years and 10 weeks we celebrated our 20th anniversary together where do I get the extra year from that's when we moved in together in 1992 and got married twice in 93 the 10 weeks is when I first met him which was in 1988.

For all the Skeptics out there that don't believe in love at first sight trust me it happens cuz it happened to me I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him when I first met him but our situations weren't right to be together.

The lady that helps me out with rides when I need them because I don't drive took me out to the Grave on Thursday and all I could do was cry I miss my other half more than anything he was my left hand side because that side of me doesn't work very well being a hemiplegic so I don't want to hear I'm sorry because I've lived with it all my life I've got some very good friends that have helped me get through and I owe them a great big thank you more than they'll ever know these last six years I've been getting through this on my own I'm the one waking up everyday getting me through the day with the help of my friends I don't see a higher power doing it because that higher power is not getting me up every morning Norm's the one that's been getting me through and the memories that I cherish with him and the girls there's a lot of those thanks for listening and please don't say I'm sorry because I'm not he never saw the disability in me and he treated me like a regular person more than anybody ever did in my entire lifetime!!!

Another thing you should probably know about me is I'm real I tell it like it is if I don't like something I'm going to tell you right away and I have no filter at all so when people make me mad what comes out of my mouth comes out being a widow the things people have said have hurt me so much I'm numb so I look at it this way watch what you say to me because I don't have feelings you do so who's it going to hurt more that's just me

One other thing about me I absolutely adore Huskies you could probably call me the insane husky lady I've owned three of them in my life and there is no other dog breed like them

Huskygirl4ever 7 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome, so so sorry for your loss....something like that can't be replaced...lonelyness on the other hand, can be cured....pain serves one purpose only, let you know something is wrong. ....


Welcome fellow Wisconsinite.


How fortunate are you to have found someone who you loved so much and he loved you. Welcome to this site.

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