"I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know."
Please use the above quote to tell us how you feel about 'Populist Politics'
Not at all sure of the correlation of the two, I do know I think Trump pretended to be, what the defination of "populist politican" , is, and is actually a wanna-be dictator.
Populist Politics....tactics used by opportunists to gain popularity and gain power. Give the people what they think they need by telling them you can protect them from it.....whatever that is. Politicians with no vision or wish to lead by cohesion and connectivity, but rather by division and isolationism. “Elect me and I will keep you safe from the outside world, I will keep out the foreigners and dangerous others”, the ultimate result of electing these strong populist leaders is fascism and dictatorship. Trump and his “Make America Great Again” is just a different version of this mantra. Epicurus was right, but politicians must pander to the masses or they will never get elected. The clever ones show leadership by changing the perspective of the electorate by being bold enough to change the narrative from fearing the outsider to embracing him as an economic asset.