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Fox News falsely claim Democrats are pro-infanticide - killing a newborn baby! - WTF!!!!!!! Lies, lies and more lies on Faux News.

#WTF #fox
sassygirl3869 9 May 14

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That is why it is called Faux News. Everything you don't need to know because it is wrong.


Faux News needs to be aborted!


Their ignorance knows no bounds. They're willing to tell any lie to support any of their previous lies.


I'm not the least bit surprised. Trump recently said that "the baby is born and then carefully wrapped in a blanket while the mother and the doctor discuss how to kill the baby."Fact check sites will say this is not true and this is not enough. People need to immediately be called out on these things or they will continue to get away with it. Such things are a part of bizarro Trumpworld and if we do not address them they will become the norm. I even know people who think that babies are killed to help make vaccines. My insurance lady is a Trump supporters and she says "it is impossible to know what is true today." This is another lie. When did it become impossible? The honest person would say that it started sometime in 2015. The coining of "fake news" helped to seal the deal.We need to call people out on these things immediately, including friends and family members.


The fact that they can only comment with false statements is a win for normalcy. Unfortunately, the hard part is making their viewers see the falsity.


Why cause yourself such pain??? You know what you're going to hear....turn the dial, turn the damn dial....showing my age again......push the button, change the channel. Lol


kill babies? no, eat them, why of course.


They're soulless


It's all about spin the idea is to exaggerate the negative of your opponent,
Trump space is made up of one issue voters some of them are pro-life.
certainly things are taken out of context I proposed to win that governor was talking about killing the baby after birth he imagined some kind of horrible mutation that would have never had a quality of life we at the pro-life people are going to call it baby killing.
any gun control measures will be translated to the Democrats want to take your guns away. any resistance did Trump's wall is translated to the Democrats want open borders.

Exactly! But why do sooooo many ppl believe this??? I’m pro-choice, for gun reform but why is this such a problem for some ppl??

Some people believe that the right to guns is necessary to ensure the government is not oppressive, that's why it's in the Constitution.

some people believe that human life is sacred.

I would love to talk about spin show any position you have one way or the other you can make it go that way.


Its just some strawman non sense! Why don't people ignore this kind of stuff? This is just a mis quote from an unrelated argument about something taken out of context or something like that.

Junk news like this makes it impossible to have a civil debate about topics by forcing people from both sides to entrench themselves in whatever political belief they have. All American news companies do this kind of shit and we just keep gorging ourselves on it like some kind pig who long ago forgot what real food tastes like.

Meanwhile, actual atrocities and corruption take place in broad daylight, and most of us are to distracted to notice, to ignorant to care, or to incapable to do anything about it. If you want change, you are going to have to get your hands dirty.



Typical republican Fascists they will invent, distort , misinform, all out lie to create an aire of complete false defamation and horrific slander which their base laps up as the truth!


Does Trump own Fox?

You would think so.

Well Possibly a small part of it!

Murdoch and a Saudi Arabian price own around 35% the rest is owned by shell corporations who support trump and his Fascists republican cohorts!

More like the other way around.


I try hard not to watch them because they mis-inform, lie, and fear monger. No time for those losers in my life

CS60 Level 7 May 14, 2019

The only surprise is that anyone would be surprised.


They've been doing that for years. This is nothing new.
45 says this shit at his rallies, and the stupid fuckers who support him, believe him.
It doesn't matter what the truth is.
It doesn't matter what the evidence supports.
They will always choose to believe the lies, because that is what suits them.


It is war. If we don't understand it, we lose. If we just get upset, we lose. It is time to fight and kick ass. Who is our Knight in the shining armor? Bernie?..... It is hard to imagine... Lol

There is no "knight in shining armor".
We're going to have to save ourselves.
They're counting on general apathy.
They might just get what they're counting on.
People are generally stupid AF.


The talking heads on fox promote ignorance thru their lies. It's exactly what the programing is designed to do and the people who watch it love it 🙂.


It's not the network's fault, it's the brain dead people who watch it. Seems like every time I eat out anymore, that is what is playing on the restaurant/bar TV if there are no sports on! Makes me sick!

Oh, the network definitely plays a major role. They're the ones putting that
bullshit out there for the morons to eat up.
They are completely culpable.

Let’s face it it is far far beyond a right wing conservative network!

It is Fascism guided propaganda network!

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