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I have a few concerns and reservations about the upcoming meeting between Trump and Kim. This is the biggest step ever with North Korea and it's important. I can see it now. They are both at a table and Trump extends his hand. He says "well, Little Rocket Man you have sure proven that you have a set of balls." Kim is relying on his interpreter who says " this is not going so well. Already the dotard has insulted you and said something about your scrotum." How is this going to turn out? Are we going to have to call in Dennis Rodman or what?

DenoPenno 9 Mar 9

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This is the worse conferance that I can think of two maniacs trying to present only their positions
when they do not speak the same language and both have a tendency to fly off the handle!


I doubt if the meeting will ever happen, since Trump has put prequisite conditions for the meeting, basically saying that Kim must denuclearize first. Given Kim's apparent paranoia, I can't see him giving up what he considers a necessary defense. But who knows, maybe I'm too pressimistic.

marga Level 7 Mar 9, 2018
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