The American left are pussies. You think that all you have to do is vote. Well, hows that working out for you? Maybe if women in Alabama and Georgia took a leaf out of these Polish women's book, they might have done better.
Back in the 1980's, the (then) leader of the CPUSA was a guy named Gus Hall. He decided it was a waste of time, to run candidates on a Communist Party ticket, and that the thing to do was to infiltrate the Democratic Party.Which they have been busy at ever since. Meanwhile, the 'Righties' have decided on the same idea. Only they have been infiltrating the Republican Party. So now, we have a Party of the Pretty Stupid, infiltrated by 'Lefties', and a Party of the Extremely Stupid, infiltrated by 'Righties'. So, for the average American blue-collar jamoke, the choice boils down to the candidates of the Pretty Stupid, or the candidates of the Extremely Stupid. (Some choice, huh?). Now, we are engaged in a great civil war, between the Party of the Pretty Stupid Rich, vs. the Party of the Extremely Stupid Rich. Third parties don't stand a rat's chance here. You are right about American Lefties being wussies. They are mostly from bourgeois, or petit-bourgeois class background. So, they tend to be very much like their rich parents. Lenin might have called them "useful idiots". But I consider them "useless idiots"! Also bear in mind that what are called "leftists" here, are really just spoiled hipster-liberals. And, as Bill Heywood once pointed out: "A liberal is a man who leaves the room when the fight starts".The American working class has no party of its own. And very little in the way of class-consciousness. Even if they did, the 'Lefties' are bound and determined to take away their firearms. Which may be why so many of them are under the spell of the Party of the Extremely Stupid!
I have to concur with a lot of what you said apart from the guns. Gandhi took on and won against the biggest empire the world had ever seen without them.