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I love movies that lampoon religion or put an interesting twist on the norm. The 40th anniversary of Life of Brian is coming up, and I also like The Invention of Lying. How about you?

JDKsaysHi 3 May 18

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I didn't think his nose was all that big 😁


The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

The encounter with the hooded man is brilliant. "-- yet from an infinite number of possibilities, you had to pick THIS one."


'Saved' was pretty good also.


Dogma has to be my favorite.

I agree.


The Life of Brian is a masterpiece and the gutsiest film ever made.

@altschmerz You have a Great Aunt. Great Aunt. That's Great. 😎


Life of Brian is the best


I have to appreciate not only movies that lampoon religion but those that expose its falsehoods and failings. I immediately think of Inherit the Wind, Creation and Agora. I also enjoyed Maher's Religulous, Jesus Camp and Spotlight.

gearl Level 8 May 18, 2019

"Dogma" is definitely one of the better ones.
Buddy-christ, and Cardinal Glick, are characters for the ages.


Lying seems to be an invention of religion and politics. It has been around forever and is still going strong today.


I just saw "Hail Satan?" on Wednesday. Have you seen Jesus Camp?

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