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Alabama...really? Your abortion law is just another reason I hate religion.

ClintF 5 May 18

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The funny part is this goes beyond religion.

God is rather famous for his baby-killing and has said NOTHING that prevents abortion. Numbers 5 contains instructions for how, who and why to get rid of a fetus.

This is not Christianity; it's human evil, holding a bible, declaring it's moral superiority to seduce idiots to sign away their rights.


I hate religion too


It is interesting that when it comes to certain issues, liberals become libertarians, arguing that government has no right to meddle in private affairs.

Welcome to the fold guys!

It's not just liberals who support abortion.

When it comes to taking away people’s bodily autonomy, you betcha the government has no right to interfere. The biggest problem with Roe is that it defined abortion as a “privacy” issue when it’s actually a “no one but me had the right to decide what I do with my body” issue.

@A2Jennifer I am in full agreement.

What about vaccinations and medication? In som cases people are forced to take psychiatric drugs.

@WilliamFleming we don’t force vaccination - only withhold the right to attend public schools (maybe also some other things) because you will endanger others. Similar with anti-psychotics - if a person is a danger to others they may be permitted to stay free in society if they take anti-psychotics or if they are deemed incapable of making their own decisions, simply forced to take them.
These laws deem all women incapable of making their own decisions.

@A2Jennifer Good points.

I also find that many libertarians who profess to want less government are fine with the anti-abortion laws...confusing times..or perhaps it shows we are not single issue people...I would like to think that most of us are mongrels with varying degrees of passion for certain issues and nonchalance in others to make us the sum of our mutt selves...

@thinktwice The official Libertarian platform advocates freedom to choose.

@WilliamFleming I know...but like other supporters of other parties, many do not agree 100% of everything on the platforms...I have had more "attacks" from libertarians on the abortion issue than from any other group...interesting times...

@thinktwice I’m surprised and sorry to hear that.

@WilliamFleming oh no...I put that in quotes because the discussions have been respectful but I am not sure how to debate the topic when I point this out to is contrary to what I thought their responses would be so perhaps it is more of a personal nature than a political one...

@thinktwice They should not be calling themselves libertarians IMO.

@WilliamFleming yeah,,,sort of like calling oneself a good Christian while being a racist...


It is pure madness.


That so many of them were citing their religious beliefs as justification for this
sham law was well and truly maddening.
They're all in violation of the US Constitution with that bullshit.

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