6 3

So true. So true. Is that referred to as maturity??

Marcel3405 7 May 18

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No shit absolutely true

bobwjr Level 10 May 19, 2019

So true!❤

I love this! 😍

Te amo, Mi Amor!💋


Yes.. well.. sucks when after a great deal of time and tribulation you find this to be NOT what was going on in reality.


Care enough to be kind, Care enough to be honest, Care enough to listen, Care enough to try.
If your missing one if those on either side then no.


They key here is BOTH people. Feeling like I wasn’t supposed to “give up on” someone who treated me badly was one thing that kept me stuck in an abusive marriage.
Any relationship advice about “sticking it out” should come with the caveat that it doesn’t mean you should stick around to be mistreated.


I think it must be.

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