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Do you say anything when someone sneezes?

BufftonBeotch 8 Mar 10

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I say 'gesundheit'. It's German and Yiddish, and it means health. You say it when someone sneezes to wish them good health.

xyz123 Level 7 June 25, 2018

I still say bless you just to bebepolitebut I wonderwonder what you're supposed to say when someone hiccups....???????

"Get any on ya?"

Or is that for an especially loud burp?


Please put your hand over your mouth ...

Dawna Level 1 Mar 10, 2018

Elbow pit actually.

People should not sneeze into their hands.


Satan Damn You...the reactions are hilarious


I say Gesundheit. It means health in German

That's what everyone said in my family growing up (Methodist, no significant German ancestry). I started saying "salud" (which also means "health" ) after I learned Spanish. I now work in an office with one other person, who also speaks Spanish, but she doesn't say anything after I sneeze, so I've stopped saying anything after she sneezes.

I grew up in a small town in central MN. Strong German farm community. German was actually the only foreign language offered back then. My mom is actually from a “good” catholic family with 15 children. She was pretty disillusioned with the church growing up. I think the nail in the coffin for her was after her sister almost bled out after giving birth to her third child and the doctor told her if she had any more children she, and most likely the baby, would die. So, as any good catholic does, the consulted their priest about going on birth control. His response was, if you and/or the baby die, it’s god’s will. @Querubin


I don't. The concept of saying "bless you" just seems a bit silly, especially in a non religious context.
It's mostly just an acknowledgement that someone sneezed since the act of saying bless you doesn't actually do anything. I also feel weird about thanking someone if they bless me for sneezing for the same reason because, thank you for noticing I sneezed?

Mea Level 7 Mar 10, 2018

Good question. I don't, unless there about to gag. I don't knock anyone that does though. I just never understood it on a techinal level. I always say thank you when someone "blesses" me tho.

lol. gag from a sneeze? What smelly gaggy smells are in your town?

I lived in Claxton once. Look it up.

The fruitcake was not the problem.


Typically, the socially conditioned response of "bless you" or some variation thereof is my knee-jerk reaction. Of course, being godless, it is an empty blessing, according to my religious friends, but, honestly, it is merely one way to wish someone well, in words that the simple-minded can comprehend.

If the sneezing continues, a firm "STOP THAT! No more sneezing allowed!" is not unheard of.

You've exceeded you 3 "bless you" quota.

Satan can take you if you sneeze again today.


"Bloody hell, where did THAT come from?"

I have a co-worker that sneezes...I truck horn decibel.


Goddamn it, this is a new shirt!


I give three "Bless yous"... if they sneeze more than three times I wait until they're done and give them one final blanket "Bless you." I've only got so many bless yous and I don't want to throw them all away in one place.

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