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What does the Sanctity of life mean to you?
I'll start with that it's bullshit, a made up concept.

Clare 7 May 19

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The dictionary definition of "sancticty" is - "the state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly. -
"ultimate importance and inviolability."
Given that, it seems like an attempt by humans to pretend that they are not part of the animal kingdom, given that they would not apply the term "sancticity of life" to animals.

THHA Level 7 May 19, 2019

Any country like the USA which regularly executes its own citizens has no right to use the expression “sanctity of life”. The states which are anti abortion and use this term the most....the so called “pro-life” states, are also the ones who still have the death penalty....! No sanctity of life for the condemned on death row then!!


People who use that term really mean "Sanctity of life until you're born." Afterwards your life better be pro-gun and pro- death penalty

Buxx Level 7 May 19, 2019

Of course made up. Any country that has a military industrial complex icannot claim that they believe in the sancity of human life ( I stuck human in there because not everybody can be a vegan)


Yes, made up.

Carin Level 8 May 19, 2019

It means I personally will not kill or harm anyone who doesn't have it coming (who is not threatening death or serious injury to me or another person).

A woman has the right to do with her body whatever she wants, and trying to tell her otherwise is great harm to her. So that violates the sanctity of her life and I won't do it.

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