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My work office is located within a large, Catholic-based medical system. Our two gift shops are stocked by a skilled buyer, so I cruise through whenever in need of a gift. Friday afternoon I found the following on the shelves, and will be contacting that buyer Monday to search out their expectation of these items:

tinkercreek 8 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Isn't people entitled to buy their own trash with their money? 🤩


Do they sell aborted fetuses in formaldehyde?

zesty Level 7 May 19, 2019

Last I knew they weren't even doing tubal ligations, so, nah.



bobwjr Level 10 May 19, 2019

I wonder if they could make a pope with his very own wardrobe so little girls could dress him in his pj's or his bathing suit, or just gaze on his nakedness.

Does the Pope still wear expensive red Italian shoes or was that just the last one? I lose track.

@mojo5501 No, he wears argentinian shoes with blue and white stripes! 😉


I want one!

because . . . ??

For target practice?


I was in the gift industry with highly respected Gund, Inc. and Giftcraft. I sold to hundreds of hospital gift shops in the Northeast but we didn't sell junk like this. I had Christian bookstores who bought Jesus loves me everything.


Sales would depend on the the type of faithful who patronise the shop. These would probably sell well in deprived areas, in my experience.

@Aryn Isn't that a deprived area anyway, or do I mean religiously depraved area? 😂🤣😆

@Aryn No. Show me if you can, please.

@Aryn Pity there's no "throwing up" emoticon in the likes options. 🤮
I watched the Cain and Abel story. Talk of sanitised mythology, with all the intended morality of the original story removed. Yech.

@Aryn Not yet. I'll take a look.

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