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And the Dems will have to fix it? Really? That is what they do?

ToolGuy 9 May 20

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Just further proof that the Dems and Repubs are really the same party when it comes to the rich, corporations, and economic policy. Neither one really gives a damn about the common people. They just play kabuki theater over the issues that really affect the common people and pretend to be different on those issues, like war, the environment, taxes, healthcare, the economy, etc. That's why I won't vote for lesser evil, corrupt Dem candidates, because voting for lesser evil results in continued evil when it's done by almost all voters. We have the power to end this, but not by supporting the duopoly in DC.

@ToolGuy Possibly, but even if he wins I can easily see a situation where he gets undermined constantly by the corporate media and both parties in congress to try and hamstring him from getting anything done as well as try to create fake scandals and destroy his credibility. It would look a lot like what is being done in Venezuala and what has been done in the past to socialist leaders in South America by the US govt.(thru the CIA) and the establishment in those countries. Over time it has proven to be very effective in hindering progressive leaders if not sometimes forcing them out of power eventually.

@ToolGuy More so in the past than in the present. The FBI is not as involved in domestic intel and opposition to lefties as in the past, at least as far as spying on political leaders when Hoover was their director. But I agree that they are still very involved in spying on and trying to infiltrate lefty groups.


Exactly....for folks that talk about wanting small federal and state government, the GOP sure likes to create huge budget deficits. And why does Congress keep stealing from the Social Security Trust is no different than corporations raiding their employees pension funds in my way of seeing it.

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