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A Chicago couple live like Orthodox Jews and they can't wait to tell you about Jesus! - WTF Christians posing as religious Jews to convert them! SO WRONG!!!!!!! If you like articles like these you are invited to join Jewish by Culture.

sassygirl3869 9 May 20

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The "jews for jesus" are not a homogeneous group. They share particular tenents, just like us here atheists, but each is part of their familial's and neighborhood's cultural history, and therefore will think about those issues that concern themself and maybe no other on the planet. They just sorta agree that jesus was a jewish prophet.
How they dress is not an issue for me. The influence of their ignorance is dangerous, no matter the justifications for spewing such reasonabled idiocy.


Its not that wrong. Its like like when a con man buys a used used car or when Mormons knock on the door of a Jehovah Witness. If it were on TV I’d consider watching.


Undercover Godbotherers, I wonder if they do drive by baptisms using a super soaker?


I didn't know christains were that desperit to do such a stupid thing to get new ninnies. Make me glad I'm an Atheist.


But Christians started out as a Jewish sect, even sharing the same rituals. They only diverged 2 to 3 centuries later.

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