Walking into a store a couple of hours ago, there was a little old lady handing out cards to people passing by. She handed me one as I passed her with a cheerful "Bless you." and I took it out of pure curiosity.
I knew it was going to be religious and, sure enough, it was. It was a promise assuring me that my place in paradise is secured if I accept Christ. I figure it must be true, they took the extra step to print it on a glossy stock.
Maybe atheists should stand outside handing out cards telling people they're not going to Heaven no matter what they do.
Maybe we should accept that it makes her feel valued and not bluster on about people doing what they feel is important work. It’s not our job to try and break someone’s dream. Sometimes I think we get too bothered about other people’s ideologies while not putting a critical eye over our own.
I have a friend that whenever he passed people protesting an abortion clinic or a car with a religious sticker on it, he flip them off. I call anyone approaching me to give me something for nothing a pusher -- they sought me out, I didn't seek them out. It is a small petty thing to do, but I enjoy seeing their reactions.
it's easy to make fun of those ppl.
but suppose you're living in a flyover state, were layed off from a decent paying job & now have no real prospects in the job mkt.
you could get hooked on opioids or religion. which is worse..or better.
i think the little old ladies deserve some credit for at least trying to help.