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Conservative political double-speak. Mnuenchen proclaimed today that the placing and printing of Rosa Parks on the $20 bill would be delayed until 2026. It was proposed and passed three years ago.

Mneunchen's reason was more protection against the counterfeiting of $5.00 and $10.00.

There is where the double speak occurs. What he really was saying is that no black person will placed on any bill as long as I'm in charge of the Treasury.

This is an example of a subtle racist attempt to deny the timely switch over with a black on the bill.

t1nick 8 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Not so subtle asshole

bobwjr Level 10 May 22, 2019

I agree it wasn't so subtle. I guess I was just tempering my acerbicness.


There is nothing subtle about this.


I thought it was Harriett Tubman on the $20....


You are correct. I slipped up. Sorry. Heard story on radio on way home from work. By the time I posted, I transposed names accidently.

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