School detention. How can it be legal? Isn't it unlawful incarceration and violation of basic human rights?
Wouldn’t think so unless we want the little darlings that run riot to burn the school down and then chide them for being naughty children. You could say the same about murderers and rapists that their basic human rights are being violated,
Don’t know what detention means now anyway. What do they have to do?
Depends on what the detention involves doing. If it involved extra study, either of my children would have loved it. If it involved writing out 100 lines of repetitive text, such as "I must hand in homework on time" then my son would simply sit with his arms folded, not doing his lines. Eventually, the teacher would realise that my son wasn't the only one being detained, and that this could be a very, very long session, and my son was going to win. My daughter simply scrawled illegibly and ultra rapidly.
My children went to boarding school, and the above are genuine examples. I too was a stubborn git. I still am on certain things. law is different is a link I found: