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An Oregon State University student died Sunday after falling approximately 100 feet while taking photographs at a scenic coastal viewpoint along Highway 101.

The victim has been identified by Oregon State officials as 21-year-old Michelle Casey. She was seriously injured when she slipped and fell while taking pictures at Neahkahnie Mountain.


How many times we have read and felt deeply sad about these young lives lost in spite this being a high risk?

St-Sinner 9 May 23

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Too many

bobwjr Level 10 May 24, 2019

The death is very sad and the loss is very tragic but I will not hesitate to repeat the saying here .... "When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is only agonizing for your loved ones. The same thing when you are stupid."

Unless your loved ones are also dead...

@thinktwice Unfortunately, not in her case.

@St-Sinner I was referring to your phrase, not her case...follow it through with the word stupid...😉


very sad...

The retaining wall is there for a reason..

One of those moments when you wish you could give her six seconds to make a different decision....


Children she could have had,lives touched,maybe a cancer cure found by the kids she will never have? Lot's of "What if's"....


I believe,they think nothing of the dangers,remember some years ago(one or two) about people who waded into a river in Yosemite,and got swept over the falls and were killed,disregarding the warning signs and barriers? Serious lack of self preservation there.....


Sad. What a waste.

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