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Many are firmly convinced that religions are the greatest obstacle to peaceful and prosperous coexistence among people.
I do not think the religions as such are the problem. In my opinion, the greatest obstacle are the "Coalitional intuitions" or "tribal instincts", i.e. the mental differentiation deeply rooted in our minds: WE (the good and pure ones), vs. THEM (the bad/impure ones).

Some have posed the question whether these "tribal instincts" are 'hardwired' or not. However one answers this question, the fact is that they are ubiquitous, whether latent or manifest; that they can be suppressed or domesticated but not eradicated; that they can easily be triggered even on trivial occasions, and then often do great damage.

The thesis is: Shiites and Sunnis (to name but one current example) could live peacefully together if they were only separated by their different faiths ; if there were not the tribal instincts that are hijacked by the respective faiths.

Matias 8 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Shiites and Sunnis killing each other is not necessarily a bad idea. As long as nobody else is involved.

zesty Level 7 May 23, 2019

Oddly on the Internet there is very little discussion of the political issues facing us. What passes for political discussion is more like kindergarten squabbles.

How much immigration should be allowed? What would be the result of an open border. What should be done with illegal immigrants?

What social programs should we have and how should they be managed and financed? What is a reasonable taxation scheme,? What is the best economic system? How much government regulation is needed?

We could be discussing those issues in an intelligent manner, but all I hear is a lot of moral grandstanding, demonizing, and name-calling. Tribalism.


Nick Land suggested that when the largest ethnicity (e.g.,whites) in any society see them selves becoming a minority they become more tribal:

"Liberals are baffled and infuriated that poor whites vote Republican, yet voting on tribal grounds is a feature of all multi-ethnic democracies, whether [in] Northern Ireland, Lebanon or Iraq. The more a majority becomes a minority the more tribal its voting becomes, so that increasingly the Republicans have become the “white party”; making this point indelicately got Pat Buchanan the sack, but many others make it too."

cava Level 7 May 23, 2019

They had their tribes and we had our nations. My own country was always classed quite accurately as a Catholic country up to just a few years ago and is now quite secular. But it is still a nation. So I don't think trying to change the collectives we live in will help much (not that you suggested it would). I think progress in the Christian world has come about through watering down the doctrines and leaving the logoi to stand. I'm hopeful that this watering down is currently in progress in Islam as they interact with the rest of the world.

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