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As a freethinker I don't believe in life after death. Even when I was in my family's cult, we didn't believe in it. But I read a lot and often it seems that people find a lot of comfort thinking some family member or friend is " two steps behind", looking after them. What's your opinion about it ?

Nathalie_Quebec 6 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I would like to sit down and talk about the family cult some times if you are up to it
i live in weston

lost Level 4 Nov 1, 2019

It's a great comforting thought, but I don't find it plausible. I could be wrong. Even if there was "life after death", I'm pretty sure those in it would be kind of busy and not just following us around or looking after us. I guess anything is possible in an existence that we really know very little about. We're not all knowing. How can anyone claim to know with any amount of certainty with just the observations we have based on our limited senses and perception? It is what it is and will be what it will be, because none of us can change any of it.

Makes sense.

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