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He Pope compares abortion to 'hiring a HITMAN' as he says it can never be condoned

With the Roman Catholics appalling history of torture and murder, and showing no concern for the sanctity of human life, this popes comment deserves the title of "bloody hypocrite".

madmac 7 May 25

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Fucking hypocrite!


He can condone or forbid it all he wants. It's still going to happen. The only question is; how dangerous will it be for the women.


By forbidding safe contraception this idiot increases the necessity of abortion. The blood is on his hands.


Maybe he should spend more time thanking his god that little boys can't get pregnant.

How can priests carry out their sordid attacks on children if they believe their god is watching them? is he also a pedophile?


They and he should be quiet , how can he something even now , as they are filled to ranks with child molesters ? They have covered it up , turned a blind eye for most of their existence. That’s not to mention the many who have been slaughtered for not accepting their belief system.


so they have more orphans to abuse.


How about they clean up all the problems with the priest who interfere with children instead.

@irascible Yes, by moving these priest around different parishes they managed to avoid it pretty much.


If it’s a human life - when it miscarriages, why don’t we give it a funeral?
Fertilized eggs sometimes doesn’t make it, and is flushed out with a monthly cycle, huh?
Once a man carries a couple of babies, goes through labor pains, and raises a couple of kids on minimum wage, then he can have a say.
“God” is the number one killer out there.


I could say some good things about Francis. He appears to be slightly more liberal than most other popes, for example. But he is still a pope, bound by tradition and irrational doctrines, and that makes him an evil monster.


This kind of bullshit always sets my mind to hearing Monty Python's song "Every Sperm Is Sacred". Maybe someone will post a link to it on YouTube for those who haven't heard it.

@KKGator Thanks, KKG. I'm too tech retarded to know how to do that.

@TomMcGiverin You're welcome.

@KKGator I like to sing karaoke, so I go two times a week now. I had never heard that song before or seen the movie The Meaning Of Life by Monty Python, one of the few I missed. When I first heard the song performed at a karaoke show I laughed so hard I almost pissed my pants.....I'm learning I can't afford to get angry all the time, laughter is important too.

Thanks for your suggestion re the clip Tom. It is brilliantly "conceived" I really enjoyed it.

In the same vein ...

@madmac You're welcome. It's very funny, as long as you have a twisted sense of humor like mine I suppose. Mainstream people, not so much....


Leave it to Catholics to claim their love of life by denying a woman control of her own body because "abortion is murder" and then kill millions in third world countries by also denying condom use. It makes more sense to them to "be fruitful and multiply" rather than to stop the spread of HIV.

Isn't religion just grand.

It's all down to their belief and fixation with their God's right to create and destroy human life. I really couldn't give a hoot what the Pope says. What's disturbing is the number of 'no exceptions' anti-abortion laws that seem to be sweeping through the US at the moment, because those writing the laws believe they're answering a higher calling.

@NicoleCadmium The Trump group wants to keep this going until they get the wording just right, then challenge Roe v. Wade again in the Supreme Court. If they succeed women will have no rights or healthcare and the GOP will declare victory over abortion. What they forget is that making something illegal does not make it go away. It only makes it worse for women and makes the GOP hypocrites.


They need more babies so the priests can have more victims.

Well put Emerald !


He said transgender people were equivalent to a nuclear weapon. The myth that he is more liberal runs strong in the mainline media but it is entirely untrue.


Sinead O'Connor gave us a fair warning back in the 80s !!!!!.... And what did she get????..... Someday she will get a long over due apology

@altschmerz I know, her carrer was sidetracked afterwards and she was only telling the truth..... "Know who the enemy really is"


Let me start by stating I'm Agnostic and proud of it.

I don't want the religion to succeed.

I'm sure you know from my past posts how often I'm posting about the #religulous.

But having said that...I must say that;

....this has been by far the most "liberal" pope ever.

We need to respect that.

He's dragging the ultra-conservative church, kicking and screaming in to the 21st century.

He's even invited Muslims to unite with Catholics.

The pushback within the church has been incredible.

But he's torn. He's trying to bring peace, humility, and the true essence of Jesus back.

Again; I don't want "the Church" or Christianity to succeed.

But let's not badmouth a liberal, science-embracing pope.

Read, please, before you debate me...


Being the better among worst does not deserve praise or respect. He's still the head of a terrible organization for mankind.

Who is we . I need to respect someone that he delivers no punishment for his pedophiles minions ?
Let me help u w this :
First of all , I can assure u and anyone else , respect of any type is earned .
Second of all ,
U are not in any position to tell me who " I need to respect "
And third ,
Silence is acceptance . U can accept him and his people all u want . Congrats .

Obviously, you have not read the link I shared.

My point is simple; He's working in many ways to drag the many conservatives of the church, kicking and screaming, in to the 21st century.

I'm just suggesting we cut him some slack.

On becoming Pope, Francis set a new tone by setting up his headquarters in a humble guesthouse for priests rather than the grand apostolic palace — a gesture of humility that carried with it an implied criticism of past excesses.

He also did away with the system of automatically giving a cardinal’s hat to bishops in certain posts. Conservatives have been irked by some of his more liberal stances. In 2015, Francis ordered every parish to host two refugee families.

And last week, in his most explicit acceptance of homosexuality yet, he told a gay Catholic that God had made him that way and that his sexuality “does not matter.”

So - on one hand you're right;

But to say he's "the best among the worst" "Who is we" and "I don't respect him at all"...

Is showing me and the world your intolerance of the #religulous,


so I only feel sorry for all 3 of you.


This is just normal behavior for one of the biggest perpetrators of human misery.


What a fucking hypocrite.
I don't give a flying rat's ass what he has to say about anything.
The rcc should be outlawed, worldwide.


Ok, then abortion is not for him. But, a Pope (as much as I appreciate this Pope), cannot speak for all women and their bodies and their health. This may be what the Catholic religion wants to uphold...but it can’t be written in stone and applied to real women.


In our arguments for a woman’s right to choose, I think we’d be more effective if we recognize and address that there is more to our opponents’ arguments than just mindless religious hypocrisy.

While there is certainly an element of religiosity, we are also fighting against an important human impulse, understandable by nearly everyone. That impulse is to love and protect the young. Even a vicious guard dog will not harm a newborn baby. I think that to decide on an abortion might be very painful.

It pains me a little bit even to thin my garden. There’ll be this perfect little stalk of corn, bursting with life, but I have to say, “Sorry fellow, there’s not enough room and I don’t want you.” I know that in the scheme of things a single stalk of corn is of little significance and I can’t tend every one that sprouts. You have to look for the best good overall.

As a teenager I used to raise pigs. I had this very fine sow with Danish ancestry, and she would have huge litters—too many. I’d go to the farrowing pen and see that she had ripped open a few of the pigs and they’d be writhing in pain and close to death. It was a painful and disturbing sight, but I learned a lesson. The mother is emotionally equipped to make tough decisions for the overall good of her offspring.

Women are tough. Leave them alone and stay out of their business. Let nature run its course. Men are the sentimental ones. If the Pope doesn’t like abortions let him not have one.

I recognize SOME of them are probably honest.
I would feel less inclined to think ill of them if they were willing to actually take steps towards solving the problem instead of making it worse.

I've heard plenty of them brag about stalking or dissuading women from having abortions, but never once do they talk about taking any measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies, besides outright terrorizing women.
I don't like abortions either. No one does.

What bothers me about the anti-choice crowd who does not appear to have sinister intentions towards women, is their shortsightedness: Lack of solutions, being oblivious to the fact abortions are NOT going to stop - only the safe ones - and the long-term consequences of setting a precedent where the government legislates what people get to do with their own bodies.

Good intentions are all well and good, but we have to be adults and think before we act.

@MLinoge Good points. I think to understand you have to realize there are a bunch of empty-headed political types strutting around, saying whatever they think will win favor with voters or with their church flock.

They are mistaken in what they think IMO. A majority favors choice. At some point that will become apparent and they’ll be spouting off for choice.

@powder They are two different things but they are related. I was talking about the workings of nature. Obviously humans are not pigs nor stalks of corn, but some of the same principles apply, and many of us feel sadness when natural events violate our sensibilities.

No, I do not advocate the culling of unwanted offspring after birth.


Don't forget: Hypocrite is his middle name. [And hypocrisy is the name of the game, for them and for almost all religious people.


Ah but the torture you speak of, those where witches !!!!!!. 😂😂😂😂😂 (Yes Sheldon, sarcasm)


It's interesting that abortion is not prohibited in the Old Testament, and the fetus has no rights (unsure).

cava Level 7 May 26, 2019

Numbers 5 has specifics for when, how and why a husband can force his wife to have an abortion.

"Sanctity of life"? Like Hell.


The chief pedofil talks!

zesty Level 7 May 29, 2019

The Pope has no problem with abortion. His God 'aborts' roughly 2/3 of fertilised ova.

The Pope has a problem with humans having a say on abortion. He thinks that should be God's business alone.

Interesting thought: if life begins when sperm meets egg, God murders over half of the unborn population every day.

we can even say that some conservatives have a problem with woman deciding to have sex. Because in case of rape (where the woman have no say) you can abort, bur once woman have choose to have sex, then for then there is no more choices.

@Pedrohbds but the recent spate of US abortion legislation has been prohibiting abortion in cases of rape and incest, too. In at least one case by someone who claims that God spoke to him, telling him to create this law.

If you are actually hearing the voice of God, the only office you're fit for is one with padded wallpaper.

Religion has treated women as mere breeding vessels for a long time. So did society in general, back when the religious texts were written. It's clinging to millennia old attitudes that are precisely the reason why religion has no place dictating the law in modern day secular society. Stuff that made sense a couple of thousand years ago doesn't necessarily make sense now.

@NicoleCadmium when the religions were being written, you actually needed to use any available woman as baby factories, because otherwise your village would be sacked and enslaved by the neighbor that did it. That is why this kind of religion grew.

But I do Agree with you, this is not a necessity of modern society anymore, we are not in continuous war state, so yes, this kind of argument is out of table.
the real issue becomes survival of the religion, and they will try to hold any piece of cultural dogma they can. They will hide it in mercy, protection of life, morality and even fake science.


The three Abrahamic religions are rife with hypocrisy.


I'll bet a "She Pope" would have a different take on it. Like that's gonna happen.

(Sorry, couldn't resist ribbing you about "He Pope" ).

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