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Does Trump think if he claims over and over again "the economy is the best ever" people will eventually believe him? What about the 75% of us who live paycheck to paycheck? What about the 34 Million who don't have health insurance?......What about the 70% of us that can't afford a home? I just lost mine.

sassygirl3869 9 May 26

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What nobody has figured out yet...

Why in the world would anyone be gullible enough to think that, of all the information released by the Trump administration, the economic information is true and reliable!!! That trick is not even original.

Holy frick.

That no one has picked up on this can only mean one thing. We are totally screwed.


He's a total FRAUD!


But it’s good for rich people and that’s all he cares about


That's because repubs and trump only care about the donor class. The rich fucks who keep them in office to serve their interests. Yet most of trumps little people supporters will continue to vote for assholes like trump because he says he hates all the people these nitwits hate too. As long as trump and repubs screw the "libtards, and Democrats he has their vote.


The student debt figures have to be wrong. It works out to about $38 per student. You’re probably off by a factor of 1,000. Mistakes like this give opponents ammunition to claim fake news. But, since Trump supporters can’t do simple math, they probably won’t notice.

Sorry its a meme-I can't verify every detail before posting-would take forever.


Trump think if he claims anything over and over again people will eventually believe him, that's why he's always saying: believe me, believe me, you got to believe me...


His loyal followers (see mindless minions) latch onto these positive statistics to extoll Trumps successes. However, they fail to take in and acknowledge the statistics listed above, and other indicators.

For instance, minority employment was so low that any increase appears monumental. The majority of employment increases have come in the low paying, poorly paying service industry sectors. Quality, well paying jobs have been much slower in their improvement and expansion.

The separation between the haves and have nots is a wider gulf than has ever existed in our countries history ( this is where the mindless minions come in, they're the ones suffering the most by Trumps policies - a form of self sabatage and denial). A statistic that I just recently read - the top 5% have more than the lower 70% combined.


I believe that Trump does indeed believe that if you say something over and over again others will believe you. He says this in his ghosted book "Art of the Steal" and claims you only have to say it 3 times. After that you are not on your way back to Kansas, but you have gained a base of followers who are so glad that you have given them reasons for their hatred and they can now make it vocal for everyone. It is because of Donald Trump that these people now can openly hate you.

Meanwhile, the stable genius goes on to Tweet bad things about Joe Bidan. That's right. I said "Bidan." Look up the tweet. The genius has tariffs that amount to a Trump Tax. The tariffs are a tax because Americans will be paying for them.


Baring in Mind Trump (Trumpf /Drumpf) is German by descent (though his family lied and said they were swedish) read the following quote

The English (speakers) follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous...

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.

Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (English: "From Churchill's Lie Factory" )
By Joseph Goebbels


Yes, that is exactly what he AND his administration believe. Time and again he and others before him (see my post in politics - an article by Ralph Nader). MSM has certainly aided this circus and played a part in getting him in the WH. Tho hillary nailed her own coffin by not running a better campaign.


The American descent into oligarchy has been happening for a while now--the problems of income inequality listed here existed long before January, 2017. But he's speeding up that descent.

So true Kevin


Good question…. Even riding the Obama Recovery.. That SOB has no idea what real life’s like. With a ‘base’ not only willing, but eager to vote against their own best interests - what do they care 😕

Varn Level 8 May 26, 2019
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