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I don't know many atheists who like rap. I like rap but can't get into the mainstream.
Wanted to share a relevant song by one of my favorite lyricists Aesop Rock. He bashes Catholicism using his standard extended vocabulary. Sometimes I really get into this song, full beat drops a bit late.

ClaytonE83 7 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I've been into Aesop Rock for years now! He is maybe the most brilliant emcee ever to grace a microphone. I've got a couple of his vinyls and am working toward getting everything he's ever done!

Awesome! You got the Hail Mary Mallon stuff? He did beats for a Blueprint album a couple years ago and I almost missed it, it's called "Vigilante Genesis".

@ClaytonE83 I've got the HMM stuff on digital only right now. Money is crazy tight and I don't get to buy records like I used to. I'll look up that Blueprint. He also scored the film "Bushwick". Haven't seen it yet tho

@ZJayPo yeah, I got the score but didn't see the film, heard it was mediocre by several other Aesop fans. I would collect the physical albums too if I had more money and space. Do you spin records or anything?

@ClaytonE83 I spin in my home only. I've got about 350 records or so. I inherited a good few and managed to find deals on a ton more. I got all sorts of genres as well. Plus I've got some original print Rawkus recordings like BlackStar that I paid a decent amount out of pocket for but it was worth it

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