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An interesting survey shows there are more of us atheists than previously thought.

Moravian 8 May 30

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Additionally, in my experience, a lot of theists only "sorta" believe. At best, they are agnostic theists.


Nothing surprising here, is there? Maybe they’ll give us a break from the negative stereotyping, but I doubt it. The Vatican sees secularism as their enemy, not Islam or Protestantism. Quite a few of their former adherents have become atheists due to their own clerical scandals in the church, not because of any proselytising by us.


Very informative article and study. I always wondered how religious people view atheism apart from the violent haters of atheism. I had no idea that the religious and the atheists feel the same way about the same values.

Stands to reason as they are both just human values.


we don't tend to build monuments to inflate our sense of entitlement i guess

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