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When you're happy fulfilled and living having fun, we won't be hurtful angry or fall in addiction problems.
When we are financially secured we don't need to FUCKING work for money but we'll be productive and good participants in our community
Justice will be the unspoken rule freedom is a mutual respectful understanding
When we are a happy just community our children grow to the whole and grow participating building a stronger more beautiful sustainable life. They are not only their parents burden or responsibility as all children are raised on the same values.
When we have a stable community we would be happy to share our experience with other communities
Our exchange of benefit will be based on logical understanding to the dynamics of our planet's resources ... automation plays a massive role in our sustainability.. we don't need to worry about stupid mundane unnecessary details of living.. our humans community will flourish.
Now tell me.. is this a life worth living or let's resume fighting and continue our cynical reaction to every hope and dream we come across.
Instead if thinking we CAN'T, try to think HOW and WHEN WE START!
After all vision is the reason people accomplished big dreams even when they're faced with obstacles and people's disapproval

Neenz 7 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Where you thinking all night about this lol,,well thought out


Sounds lovely, however.....................

yes a lot of hard working people exist ,a lot from necessity ,some because they are work alholics to avoid dealing with reality, Some because that is how they were raised ,to do your share

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