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Be good to the Earth

HippieChick58 9 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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the masses have always & will forever believe, in the case of environmental endangerment & climate change it is that if you look the other way it doesn't exist.

Have you been reading Daniel Quinn, perchance?

no, @Condor5, but i'll look into it now 🙂

@walklightly I think you may enjoy them. They give one a different perspective on how we got to where we are today, and highlight the role of mechanized, surplus agriculture in our development.

@Condor5, i particularly appreciate his view that an intellectual separation from our environment & nature herself is actually what landed us as society with so-called environmental issues to start with. we are part of nature, not above or without her. i belong to country, as the australian indigenous people would say.


I see people just toss their wrappers, cans, bottles on the ground and not even think twice about it... It just amazes me.

...& that's peanuts compared to the real perpetrators: people don't think twice (more often not even once) when procreating, eating meat &/or driving their car wherever they go. the number one environmental hazard is industrialized agriculture.


Ahh, but there is a Planet B


I kind of like Carlin's take on the whole pollution of the planet thing, which is, basically that we'll probably kill ourselves (and most every other living thing) off by fucking up the livability of Earth, but it will eventually heal itself and go merrily on without us.

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