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After only a few hours at a family lake weekend, a 13yr old niece who I had just that day met asked if I was an atheist. She told me she was an agnostic. I explained that Atheists do not actually exist, due to the existence of deities of all kinds. They may be powerless but they DO exist. I always ask, “does Santa Clause and Mickey Mouse exist?” Well, same thing. In most mystic religion systems, Satan is ranked as second most powerful deity...

SavoirFaire 2 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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How do you know they exist? (...remember what crowd you're participating in.)


It sounds like you just confused the hell out of a kid for no good reason.

Deb57 Level 8 June 5, 2019

I may not consider myself fully an atheist. But your commentary is, well, just, WTF? I lean atheist as I have no faith in any religions without proof. So I call myself an agnostic; that said, I can guarantee that there are people who are fully committed to atheism. There are atheists. And I, for one, would prefer to be with them in a fox hole as they won't be wasting time praying to a non existent whatever that isn't sending help. Instead they are looking for rational options.

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