'Siri, I'm getting pulled over': A shortcut for iPhones, called "Police," can automatically record the police.
When you tell Siri the police are signalling you to stop, the phone sends a quick text to a predetermined contact to tell them you've been pulled over, and starts recording with the iPhone's front-facing camera.
Once you've stopped recording, it can text or email the video to a different predetermined contact and save it to Dropbox.
Robert Petersen of Arizona developed Police to monitor police interactions to give you a record of what happened.
"It seemed to me that if you're getting pulled over it couldn't hurt to have a recording of the incident," Petersen said in a direct message on Tuesday.
"The police these days in many places have body cams, so this could be the civilian equivalent."
It's the third-most-popular shortcut of all time on the burgeoning subreddit dedicated to sharing shortcut recipes, and it's been widely covered in the Apple-enthusiast press. It's on version 1.4.
[usstage.businessinsider.com] via @businessinsider
I'd say any PoC, most women and LBGT folks should have this app.
@SeaGreenEyez people of color. Some say black people and other people of color. Basically everyone not white should be harmed with this app.
@SeaGreenEyez Just fyi, pos or POS is the my go to acronym for piece of s&*^. I swear a lot . hippiechicks post on for profit prisons is a must read also. It's an article fro the Wa Po. (Washington Post)