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On this anniversary of D-Day, I wish to say that we can never overestimate the debt we owe to the men who did their duty on those beaches of Normandy. Most of them were draftees from all social classes, all ethnic groups, all parts of the country, and all political leanings. They all saw it as their duty to defend and preserve our democracy, imperfect as it was.

I was a draftee at a later time and am proud of that fact. In fact, I believe that all young people -- male or female -- should have at least one year of compulsory service to our country in some capacity -- military, Forest Service, Peace Crops, Teacher Corps, etc, etc. Servving away from home in new settings helped a lot of young people to mature, to understand and relate to each other, to understand that each and every one of us owes a great deal to our nation and has an obligation to serve and protect that nation.

wordywalt 9 June 6

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I agree that it can help young people gain a broad view of the nation and the world.


my Father & 3 uncles served in WW2. i served with nato in germany.
in the last 20 yrs or so i have realized that all wars are fought for the banks+MIC (military industrial complex). now security companies can be added to the list.
i take nothing away from the valor of our troops which fought over there. but they were young & never really understood why they were there.
nothing much has changed. most of the the young ppl who join the armed forces these days are really deluded if they thing they are protecting their country. nothing could be further from the truth.

I served in West Berlin during the time of he Berlin Crisis and I knew damned well why I was there. I would do it again today under the same circumstances -- proudly. While I agree that our political leaders have taken us into senseless conflicts too often , particularly in the past 50 years, some conflicts are necessary for the survival of the free world.


The landing included Americans, British, Canadians, Free Poles, among many. It was a truly international effort. The Red Army was pushing the Germans and their allies westward while this was happening. The Soviets and Americans/British coordinated dual offensives to keep the Germans off balance.


This country did save the world with it’s might and strength during two world wars!

It is time to make the same type of effort to secure our planet for our children’s children’s children!

This new Green deal is not folly, but survival we can embrace and accept as a way to save our humanity while saving our home this planet!

Just as in WWII we need to conquer our fear and act!

The cost now will never be as high as the cost we will have to pay by our inaction!


Absolutely true

bobwjr Level 10 June 6, 2019

I have nothing but the utmost respect for the warriors on D-Day, and all of World War II. But since virtually every war we have fought since has been about money or communist paranoia, I figure the few hundred thousand dollars I've already paid in federal taxes, for virtually nothing in return, is service enough. I'm not too keen on also doing slave labor for the bureaucracy as well. 😀


Yeah, how things have changed since then.


We celebrate their accomplishments by keeping their memory alive.


I agree that a bit of time away from home will make each person appreciate our country even more and expose a person to different is a good experience and it helps to build self-esteem when you have done something to help others.


I couldn't agree with you more.

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