Alone in the Artic
I seem to live in a place with crazy people. 2 years ago a woman resident spent 72 days surviving in the Alone series in Patagonia (she got some insect bites which became infected and she had to drop out). Last night a large number of us gathered to watch episode 1 of Alone in the Artic [] . Another crazy resident took part [] He is a personal friend an we often work on projects together and, yes I can see him doing something like this. He didn’t say how he fared, though.
I don't go for any of this type of drama.
Too much of reality tv is staged or twisted in editing. I avoid it; of course I basically avoid almost all tv.
@Beowulfsfriend Exactly.
I don't either and don't have commercial TV to watch it. Still, it's interesting to see people I know doing smething very difficult (and crazy).
@Beowulfsfriend At the showing Nate said some things were edited but the experience was real.
@Beowulfsfriend ,
i always picture the director telling them what to do & say. and coming up with the unrealistic, silly plot lines.
Are they really alone or are they with a cameraman?
At the showing he said they were given 4 cameras (one is on their heads). He also said when it got really cold all but the biggest camears stopped working.
Years ago PBS had a program about a guy in the Artic. He was older and built his own cabin and even things like spoons and other items. He had 2 cameras both of which were spring driven.
@JackPedigo I did catch the very end of ep1 - when that guy caught that big Salmon.
I like Survival shows.