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Neo Nazis, white nationalists are currently the biggest threat to world peace. Its especially horrendous in the USA.

What incidents in their lives led them to believe they are better than minority groups? That it is okay to be violent against people who are NOT white heterosexual males?

Katsarecool 7 June 9

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it's called being raised by racist parents usually

lerlo Level 8 June 10, 2019

Nazi racists are all about feelings of male Entitlement on turf....preserving white female purity for their exclusive ownership
....the opposite of free love is violent theocratic fascist militarism ....Hitler wanted a Volkswagen for every family TrumpOLINI wants a giant gas guzzling mud runner pick up truck the KKK wants to drag black men in chains bolted to the towing hitch....


If they ever a good long look in the mirror they'd suddenly realize that their DNA is really not the grnetic material we want to pass along. Jusy sayin'....ugly. ( and dumb too). Lol


Try googling "white supremacy" or "christian identity". I had commonly heard that, here in the SE US, the idea has been/is preached from many church pulpits. Reading about the origins online just now, it's not so clear cut as that.

Zster Level 8 June 9, 2019
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