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No doubt the politically correct namby pambies and anti smoking control freaks in the Salvation Army will object to this piece of music but back in about 1966 or was it '68 it won an award:
"H'av you got a light boy?"

FrayedBear 9 June 10

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Excellent song 🤥. Who sang it for heavens sake. I can’t remember and don’t want to give in by going to Dr Google.

I must have revealed it in "Traditional and Folkmusic" where it is also posted. I see there has been a wonderful program upgrade that allows it all to happen together. Thanks @Admin & @devtest3.


I remember my mother singing this interminably, along with "we're all going to the Zoo tomorrow", "Puff the magic dragon" and "You're never gonna see no Unicorn."
My mother did not have the best taste in music.

But the ear worms remained with you the rest of your life like Tiny Tim's "Tiptoe through the Tulips"!

Bless! There was also that damned Little Boxes song and their construction of ‘ticky tacky’ which I found quite disturbing as a 6yo!

@FrayedBear Dear Ole Tiny Tim. Strange fellow but riveting. I remember being fascinated by him when I was a child! 🤪

@Geoffrey51 Ah Damn, I had forgotten that evil song, now I am humming it again!!!
Thank you 😭😭😭😭😭😭

@LenHazell53 oh shit Len! I am so sorry! 😱

@Geoffrey51 I'll bet!

@Geoffrey51 Pete Seeger classic that was a wonderful exposé on American society at the time. I'm amazed that you were disturbed as a 6 yo.though!

@FrayedBear It wasn’t the concept of the song I had no idea of that. It was the use of the phrase ‘ticky tacky’. I remember it seemed horrible. No idea why. It was like being afraid of some cartoon characters. Strange child!

@Geoffrey51 "ticky tacky" was from memory one of the descriptors given to boiled sugar during the process of pulling and rolling to make the sticks of Blackpool rock! You could get quite nasty burns if it "tacked" to your skin.


I have nothing against smoking, I just very sensitive to the smoke and can't stand the smell it.

As to that little ditty, lol, not my cup of tea. 🙂

Perhaps you have to be English? It is not the earliest on smoking though. About a week or fortnight ago I posted "Wee Willie's Wild Woodbines" a cigarette song from a century ago.

@FrayedBear The old adverts are pretty funny and sorta scary.

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