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Latest poll from Iowa primary voters:

  1. Warren and Buttigieg are gathering strength,
  2. Kamala Harris will be soon toast
  3. Bernie is falling apart and
  4. Voters have started to worry about Biden's age.


St-Sinner 9 June 10

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go Pete!!!


I’m not a fan of Biden. He’s too ‘old boy politics’.


The first debate will happen at the end of this month and according to dems, only those candidates with national polls averaging 1% will participate, so Des Moines/CNN is considered one of the national polls, only 16 candidates from the 23 would qualify, that is why these polls are important, for the debates.


These polls are local to Des Moines, all they can suggest is local sentiment at this point. The National Media does not want to see Bernie, he gets crap for coming in 2nd, especially ironical since these number have been messaged by the pollsters to reflect the most likely votes, which is why S-W-B are clumped together.

The debates at the end of the month ought to interesting.

cava Level 7 June 10, 2019

These poles are a complete joke!

Just a smoke screen!

When all the media companies are owned by the those who own these same politicians!

Yes! Tell me how wrong and stupid we are, for raising millions $$$$ turning into $$$Billions for an election eighteen months from now!

Just who will profit from all this election spending into the $$$Billions!

Wake up the three ring circus is just starting with it’s menu of unelectable individuals to waste time and money on at our expensive stating this is Democracy on action for our benefit!


Its early. Polls are not proof of anything. They can be wildly inaccurate. We have Trump.

Anything you would like to add.

I agree with you but I am commenting on the status now.

@St-Sinner that’s fine. But, it’s too early to put credence into any poll.


A divided house will not stand ...a really smart guy said that once. Republican strategy is simple - divide and conquer.

Apparently to true!

The Party bosses sold us out in 1968 then 2016, now once again by the status quo of doing what their wealthy owners and their corporations want them too do!


voters are not worried about biden's age. they are worried about his lack of progressiveness. i do not hate him. he's nowhere near the top of my list but i like him, personally. if he wins the nomination he has my vote. think about it! think about the alternative, and NO, you're not being ethical and sticking to your principles if you stay home or vote indie because something about "lesser of two evils" offends you; think about four more years of trump and the fact that we have concentration camps in this country! no matter WHAT you think of biden you can't POSSIBLY think there would be concentration camps under his administration! meanwhile, warren is at the top of my list and she will almost certainly get my vote in the primary. and whoever wins the primary, be it warren, mayor pete, biden or a used piece of toilet paper, gets my vote in the general. (it's also too early to be looking at polls. before any debates, polls are just measuring name-recognition.)



Trump will destroy any of them.

gater Level 7 June 10, 2019

The writing is on the wall but we are still singing songs of Hillary's valor to have won the popular vote.

It is not that Trump deserves to win but our lousy leaders deserve to lose. It has to get very bad before it can get better for democrats.


It is already bad!

Our allies don’t trust us.

Environmental protections are being dismantled. Even the auto manufacturers are asking him to back off.

The Administration is the most corrupt since the turn of the century — 1899 to 1900., to be precise.

Trump has wasted more money on golf than all other Presidents combined.

The tariffs are hurting the economy and are a tax on the citizens.

Trump is a liar, worse than any ten Presidents combined, Nixon included.

Trump could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag.

His immigration policy is a farce, has resulted in deaths and concentration camps and unwarranted waste of tax monies.

Trump thinks the Constitution is an inconvenience that does not apply to him and he tries to ignore it every way possible.

The list goes on and on...

@Rob1948 That is the irony.

Democrats are on the right side of the history and the right side of issues. We are good people, our efforts are genuine and our hearts are pure. All agreed.

But elections matter and we are very bad at winning elections.

Not if someone destroys him first. Which would be fine by me.
The guillotine would be efficient.

@St-Sinner not really.


The problem is not getting votes. The problem is that Dems split the vote with more progressive choices that have no chance of winning, ever.

@St-Sinner lol - you can't be serious

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