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Our brain is the most wonderful process of evolution. We on the other hand, are the most disappointing result of it.

Neenz 7 June 11

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especially if you look at jellyfish that don't have a brain

Yet have a distributed nervous system (as opposed to a central nervous system as is a brain) and so can actually have coordinated responses to situations.


Half of your statement is true.

gater Level 7 June 11, 2019

@Neenz I agree with the 1st part. - the 2nd part sounds like a commentary on humanity, which I disagree with.

@Neenz I view humanity in evolutionary terms - man evolved from a savage animal, no laws, it was survival. We have come so far as a species, we are on a long path to civilization, we have a long way to go, but life now is better than anytime in history.

@gater , so the ppl responsible for killing hundreds of 1000s of ppl in the ME in recent decades are not savage animals?
"life now is better than anytime in history." doessn't that depend on where you live & your station in life? millions of americans are now worse off than previous generations.

@callmedubious I meant compared to the 1300s when we had the plague, 25 million died. Or before that, before man had laws, it was purely survival - you think murder, rape, starvation, diseases are bad now?
Life now is a picnic compared to our past.


Yes,i agree about our brain as being one of the most wonderful processes in evolution,,but i wish ,ego was left out of the process and the disappointment it has caused so many

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