Jon Stewart is an amazing human being.
Some success for Stewart. The bill to help first responders passed the House today. Now on to the Senate. Will the SQUATTER in the WH sign it?
Will fuckface Mitch even support it?
@KKGator I wondered that, too.
House panel passes 9/11 victims fund bill a day after Jon Stewart's emotional testimony.
I've always liked Jon Stewart; funny guy. He was dead serious here and he had every right for calling out Congress and telling them they should be ashamed of themselves for ignoring the first responders of 9/11. Do the right thing assholes! #NeverForget
That was a powerful lecture, and he was just the man to do it sincerely!
Oh my I miss him! He retired several years too soon!!
Never watched the Daily Show.
A real hero trying his best to help heros.