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Jim Morrison of the Doors said it best, " I'll tell you what man, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna have my kicks before the whole shit-house goes up in flames! " What I took from that is if the world around you is in chaos, don't let it bring you down. Enjoy everyday as if it were your last. If you can get to that point in your life, soak it in, it's called ecstacy.

tiger78 5 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Sure. Why forego pleasure and happiness in this life because there's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world? It won't help anything at all if you choose to not make the most of your own existence.


And way before Jim Morrison's words was the 1949 song :
"Enjoy Yourself , it's Later then You Think"


Been hearing the world was going to ‘hell’ since I was a kid; I think old people want to think that cuz they know they’re on their way out.. And, maybe it is, but I took excellent care of myself anyway, and recommend doing the same.

Crap, 62, look & feel ten years (or more) younger. Feel great, in all ways ...and so ‘damn’ thankful I paced myself. Yes, I highly recommend it 🙂 what’s Jim Morrison been up to lately..?

Varn Level 8 June 12, 2019

He probably has more "followers" than most members here 🙂.

I am in complete agreement with you. Moderation in all things, Eat sensibly, get some exercise and have a positive outlook, oh and be careful when you choose your parents.

I have no idea, he's a tough one to get a hold of.

@Moravian I imagine his fans still number in the millions.

@MST3K Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris where he is buried is still a Mecca for many of his fans.

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