A dispute over a parking spot. This is a serious problem here. Does this happen in your city or town? [philadelphia.cbslocal.com]
the crazy thing is that most of those ppl can't really afford to own cars.
sounds like it was more of a turf dispute than over a parking place..... sad but stupid things happen
It's parking with a side of entitlement. Some people believe that they have the right to park in front of their house without realizing that they don't own the land. The city does.
On my block, I was one of the only people who shoveled out the space in front of my house. This was a Herculean task after the snowplow came through.
It annoyed me when people parked in my space. I just put a note on their windshield. That worked.
My ex-husband was infuriated by an out-of-town woman who parked her giant RV in front of his house from June to September. For three years. As an artist, Terry was sensitive to aesthetics. Talking with her didn't work.
"I don't want to look at that ugly RV!" Terry fumed. "That's where my friends park."
"Call the city," I suggested. "I believe people cannot park for more than two weeks in one spot." I was right.
Terry called and complained. First the RV owner got a parking ticket with a warning. Then it was towed.
I wish it were that easy here. Parking complaints are way down at the bottom of the list. That forces the residents to handle it themselves. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to charge them $3 for every 15 min they're parked there. Just to pay for the labor. lol.