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Trump's order to slash number of science advisory boards blasted by critics as 'nonsensical' [] via @nbcnews

Charliesey 7 June 15

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Most things Trump does or says are "nonsensical."

Yes, yes, yes !!!


That POS is at war with truth & reality… Then there are his despicable followers.. If our nation survives this sicko and his minority of minions ...maybe it is ‘great’ 😕

Varn Level 8 June 16, 2019

It's all just paving the way for Bernie to win next year.

Athena Level 8 June 16, 2019

… seeing a lot of that around here.. May I assume when/ if ‘Bernie’s’ not on the General Election ballot ..there will be continued support for whatever (actual) democrat that is..?


It’s beyond nonsensical. It is, effectively a war on any science that stands in the way of Republican efforts to deregulate, making it easier for big business to do business as they want.

...and helping businesses operate unregulated or monitored ..trump assumes they’ll continue to support his political cover via their support for Republican Candidates

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