I have always pointed out that if faith healing was an actual thing, our hospitals and doctors would have long since been put out of business by them, and people would be lining up outside churches to be healed in preference to seeing oncologists and surgeons and so forth. The pharmaceutical industry would also collapse.
The most charitable thing you can possibly say about faith healing even if you assume it is real, is that it is begrudgingly bestowed upon the worthy few, and even at that, it has done nothing discernible to advance the moral climate of the world by motivating people to be better so that they can be "worthy" of not suffering. (Suffering, you'd think, would be something a benevolent and all powerful deity would not want for ANYONE, but I digress). It has been so sparingly dispensed in the world that we can't detect a difference in health outcomes for believers vs unbelievers. Even believers claiming healing from cancers still saw their oncologists and had their chemo therapies and so on. Very few of them bypassed the medical community and went straight to their faith community / shaman of choice, and most who did are considered crackpots even by other believers, and either died or make highly questionable claims that haven't been subject to critical / skeptical inquiry.
A lot of folks are praying for world peace too.........