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English spelling. The article is ten years old but is it valid.


Geoffrey51 8 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Basically the poorly educated demanding the right to be lazy.
I have been dyslexic all of my life, I worked hard to overcome it, by understanding WHY words are spelled the way that they are, etymologically, lexicographically and philologically.
To simply throw a whole branch of linguistics away for the sake of convenience disgusts me. English is an evolving and amazingly nuanced, precise language, the most accurate in the world, as locutors of this language we should be proud and defensive against its devolution in to a set of monosyllabic grudgings and phonetic spellings from which no original meaning can be defined.


It seems like teaching kids Ebonics in order to then more easily teach them standard English. ... "students would perform better in school and more easily learn standard American English if textbooks and teachers incorporated AAVE [African-American Vernacular English] in teaching black children to speak Standard English rather than mistakenly equating nonstandard with substandard and dismissing AAVE as the latter."

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