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Funny but true

bobwjr 10 June 20

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Not for us small breasted ladies!

Yours are cute

@bobwjr yes, yes they are. Lol.


“And the breasts are very interesting... Because they are in an incredible race to see which one will touch my waist first!” -- Maya Angelou


I’m not QUITE there yet, lol. I had modest boobs, til breastfeeding. Woke up the morning milk came in, it was like: WOW. Torpedo boobs, lol.
Hey, gravity always wins.


You are bad.


Thankfully not in my case! It’s the penalty women suffer for having had an enviable pair of boobs in their younger days....mine were always of somewhat less spectacular proportions. 😀

Honey you look good

@bobwjr Thanks for such a nice compliment.

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