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George Godwyn [ON FACEBOOK]

For two days you people, you motherfuckers, including the president and vice president, have been explaining to me that the horrific conditions in the migrant concentration camps or the fault of congressional Democrats for not providing sufficient funding, so let’s get this precisely straight.

Congress has legislatively capped the number of migrants ICE can legally hold and they have funded the department accordingly. They’ve done this purposefully, as per their constitutionally defined powers.

Trump is under no legal requirement to detain the people he’s imprisoned under those conditions. In fact, Congress has directed exactly the opposite. He could, and should, be scheduling a court date and releasing them into the community to be with their friends and families, monitoring as required. As Congress has mandated.

But he’s not releasing them, he’s keeping them, in unsafe, sometimes deadly conditions, in order to pressure Congress.

When you Trump people, you fucking degenerate scum, endorse the present regime of migrant detention, you are baldly, openly, proclaiming your endorsement for literally abusing and torturing children in order to pressure congress into enacting your policy goals.

That is what you’re doing. That is a simple, straightforward, transparent, account of what the president is doing and what you are supporting. There is no other way to describe what’s happening. It’s not confusing or complex, you are nakedly doing just this. You know it’s happening, you want it to happen.

You are willing to purposefully abuse, torture, and kill children in service to your politics.

You are fucking monsters now.

What if Congress didn’t authorize any more money to this process? How many more dead, sick, tortured children would be all right with you? What policies are worthy of those sacrifices?

How many abused children is the wall worth? Can we stuff children five at a time into dog kennels, if it gives us the wall? Can we starve 500 children to death if it brings back coal? How about Obamacare? Can we start throwing kids against the wall and executing them to get rid of Obamacare?

Look at what you’ve become. See what you’ve become, like the rest of us have had to.

I’m not even ashamed of America anymore, because this is so far removed from any idea of America any decent person held in my lifetime I can’t even connect it to the people around me. I can’t wrap my head around it. You’ve become something so openly malignant, so flagrantly wrong, it feels useless to even address you as though you’re moral beings. I don’t believe it’s possible to appeal to your compassion or sense of morality. I don’t know how to address your humanity anymore. As far as I can tell, it’s dissolved entirely in a puddle of terror and rage and hate.

Because you’re monsters now.

Someday this is going to be over. Someday, and maybe someday very soon, people like you, people so driven and debased by their hatred and fear and bile, will no longer be in power. History is going to tell a story, then, and it’s going to tell that story on you. History is watching.

We’re watching.

Look at what you’re doing, look at what you’ve allowed yourself to become. Look at what you’re saying, look at what you’re doing, look at what you’re supporting.

Look at what you’re excusing.

Look at what you’ve become.

It’s not the Mexicans, it’s not the Central Americans, it’s not the Iranians or terrorists or communists or post-modernists. It’s not the SJW’s or trans people.

Brothers, you’re the monsters, now.

Allamanda 8 June 25

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Monster's Inc 🐲🐲🐲😂😂😂😂😂😂


Wonderful post that hits it all straight on.

@OwlInASack stole it from the Native Americans...a child is a criminal...basic human decency means nothing to this person...

@OwlInASack I had to block him...if I go down that rabbit hole, I could get too depressed...just knowing that we have people like that living amongst us is bad enough...I don't need to let them keep most of us from wanting to be caring and decent humans outside of superficial things like religion and politics...


That was a great rant and I agree with every word of it. Trump is filth and I get that he's motivated by greed, corruption, ego, racism, and self-glorification but it's his brain-dead supporters I can't understand. They worship at the feet of this scumfuck as though he were the second coming of Christ.

This is how cults grow.


That should help.

Yes. Sarcasm. Much as I enjoy it, I think it's counterproductive in this situaton. The other side will probably become more entrenched.


Man's inhumanity to man knows no bounds.

Davekp Level 8 June 25, 2019


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