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How 2020 Democrats are preparing for the first debate


My predictions

  1. First night - Elizabeth Warren will win the night
  2. Second Night - Bernie and Buttigieg will tie in the debate performance

What is yours?

This is only about debate performance on stage and TV. Not about actual public support. Best debate performers often have lost in the past.

St-Sinner 9 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Florida faces a climate crisis as Democratic candidates take the debate stage



Can not see much debate with 20 people all desperate to push themselves to the front.


I am so looking forward to this!

I like Julian Castro and think he will do well, but not "win"...not a fan of Warren, but know she will do well if I can stand listening to her...

Definitely for Pete Buttigieg but think Bernie will give him a run...I think Kamala Harris will also do well...

I will use these two debates to decide where to send my contributions...

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