Whats more important being on a social media site or having a good stimulating conversation with someone face to face? I find that sometimes when people can hide behind their computer screen, their is more of a chance, that they will say something that might not be true, or they will try to bully their way out of a situation.
I think it is hard not to see the face of someone when talking...it is hard to judge whether or not they understand what you say, are confused, etc. I like responding to visual cues...it is a lot more work on social media even when you get to know people over time...I have seen a lot of hurt feelings and misunderstandings even among "friends" because of this...mostly we work it out, but it takes effort...
I am grateful to my many friends here since I really don't discuss a lot of things, like cats, (ha ha ha), with too many people in real life....