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"French nudists and burkini bathers in heatwave pool standoff"


josh_is_exciting 7 June 28

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There is no requirement in Islam to cover the body from head to’s just an interpretation which has been made by men to control women, and the burkini is still a garment of oppression. The bathing rules are based on safety and hygiene and apply to all equally. Exceptions should not be made to accommodate minorities, as that only leads to further demands, and one which I predict would be a demand for segregated bathing, because their men would object to them bathing in a mixed pool.


What exactly are they screaming about. Who cares if they want to wear a burkini. If you want them to integrate into society stop being a dork.


The problem seems to be the enforcement of a certain type of swim suit. One piece for women and men are restricted to speedo type trunks. As long as hygiene is appropriate why have clothing standards at all. I read nothing about the Muslims saying others had to adhere to their standards. Let the Muslims come with their burkinis and the rest come in bikinis or naked or whatever. Everybody gets to cool down.

gearl Level 8 June 29, 2019

So what clothed naked who cares

bobwjr Level 10 June 28, 2019

Who cares what people wear to the beach...the burkini looks very similar to a full dive suit...what is the big deal?

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