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Ethics is the attempt to rationally establish morality and to distinguish between meaningful and less meaningful rules of morality. Thus every ethics faces a basic dilemma: By defining moral rules rationally, it relativizes them. From this point of view, the invention of ethics is birth of nihilism.

Ethicists pretend to be able to rationalize something that cannot be rationalized - moral preferences. The rationalization of the irrational, however, almost certainly leads to ideology.

Ethics thus reinforces the expansive character of morality. For the consciousness of being founded on reason increases the universal claim of moral regulations. Whoever contradicts them does not only have a different way of life or simply comes from a different culture - he or she is rather irrational, stupid or even deliberately vicious.

With the invention of ethics, a new type of human being is also appearing on the scene: the specialist for the the right action, the intellectual. He is the high priest of the new, rationally founded morality.

Matias 8 June 29

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Do you think the enlightenment encouraged the specialist ethical thinker? Certainly, Kant was lauded (and criticised) for his ethical theory. I always found him unconvincing as his apriori synthetic category lacked logical credibility.
Are you arguing that we're better off without any ethical framework of theory? That's certainly consistent with at least one way of understanding agnosticism.


A simple definition of ethics. Ethics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the principles that govern human behavior. It's a branch that goes way back and is grounded in logic and metaphysics, (understanding the universe).


Morality is ethical?

Being Ethical is moral?

Morality is within one and the society they reside in.

Ethic's is within one and the society they reside in?

Hence what is moral and ethical resides with the bounds of the society you reside in, not necessarly in the society of others!

Which can be rationalized as immoral and unethical if that society is bound by different dogma and cultural distaint for others ethical and moral society's indifference!

Morality and Ethical behaviors are used as a status quo to regulate the individual to conform to the society they reside in!

So morality and ethics can be used as a weapon upon those who do not have the will to see past the dogma presented to them!

Religion is a moral and ethical tool of society!


I am really enjoying listening to the intellectuals on the Internet talk about morality and go over how we got to where we are today. I'm not so enthusiastic about business getting in on the act.

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